Get the audio data.
Getting audio by type.
Authentication | Basic |
<type> | Return audio filedata or type bulletin. Audio is default mp3, 320 kbps, 1 channel. sample rate 44100 Hz. Maximum 4 requests is allowed, otherwise http 429 will be response. For wave: prefix <type> with ".wav"(<type>.wav). For pls: prefix <type> with ".pls". Response is a playlist with one item. For authentication alternative: merge username and password with <type>, separated with underscores. Ie. <type>_<username>_<password>. This skips HTTP 401. If wav: can be combined as follow example: /api/getaudio/<type>_username_password.wav For changing bitrate, use parameter bitrate: Invalid parameter requests will be responded with http 400.
Response | Returns HTTP 206 with binary data. If pls, textfile will be return. |
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