Using the RadioBox Audio Conversion Tool
The tool can be used manually and automatically.
Automatic Mode
Suggested use is ‘Automatic. Click the ‘Start’ button.
Files will be processed within the assigned folders.
- All files found within the ‘input’ folder will be processed. Including newly added files.
- Converted files will be placed in the ‘output’ folder. Converted files will have the same name as the original (except for the extension in case the file type was changed.)
- The original files will be moved into the ‘back-up’ folder.
All new files added to the ‘input’ folder will be processed.
The screen below the ‘Start-button’ shows the files in process and completed files.
The process won’t need further attention after start, except after a reboot of the system.
Manual mode
The manual mode can be used to process a file from a different location.
- Browse to find the source file
- Click the button ‘Run Manual’ to start the conversion.
- The output file will be named ‘Output.wav’ by default and will be placed within the folder that was used to store the utility.
Stereotool Plugin license
The plugin used for peak leveling is StereoTool. The use of this extended plugin is free of charge as long as you do not use some specific functionality.
A license is needed for some features like "declipper", “dehummer" and “ delossifier”. These features may improve the sound quality of some audio files.
- The "declipper" can repair some over compressed files.
- The “delossifier” might remove some dirty effects from lossy audio file formats like .mp3. The “dehummer” might be usefull in some voice recordings to filter unwanted noises.
(These functions can be tested free of charge. You will hear some warning signals in the output files.)
No Warranty
The use of this utility is at your own risk. There is no warranty in any form.
Please check for the optional license of the Stereotool plugin.
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(c) RTVSoftware